how much do you know about Julia Roberts???

This quiz is about Julia Roberts the most famous acctres in USA :) There are questions about her life and her movies and stuff like that... I think you should take this quiz and give yourself a little challenge :)

Do you know anything about Julia Roberts well this is the quiz for you... Just take the quiz and you will find out how much you really know about Julia Roberts.....

Created by: Sanna
  1. witch year was she born ?
  2. witch was her first movie???
  3. witch movie was her breaktrou???
  4. where was she born???
  5. witch movie did she get her first oscar for???
  6. what is her middle name???
  7. what did she want to work with when she was little???????????????????????
  8. who is she married to now?
  9. how many chidren does she have?
  10. what year did she make sleeping with the enemy???

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Julia Roberts???