How much do you know about geeking?

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Gaming has been around for nearly 40 years now. Coincidentally so have I. Because of that I grew up with games and have a wide reaching knowledge. See if you can match me.

Are you brave enough to attempt this insanely tough gaming quiz without resorting to Google? Or Bing? Or Asking Jeeves? If he is still around? But if you have to cheat, please use ecosia at least they give something back to the world.

Created by: Carl Stokes
  1. Who created the video game Super Mario Bros?
  2. As well as the Sonic Games which other game did Sonic Team create?
  3. In Japan Streets of Rage is known as what?
  4. What is the Konami Code?
  5. Who is the voice of Mario?
  6. Dead or Alive 5 featured which Virtua Fighter character?
  7. Street Fighter 2 had a sub title. What was it?
  8. Vince Zampella and Grant Collier established which gaming company?
  9. Goemon and Ebisumaru are characters in which game series?
  10. Giant Gram 2000 is a game based on which Wrestling company?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about geeking?