How much do you know about dragons?

Are you the ultimate genius when it comes to dragons? Test your knowledge with this quiz! It features various questions that test your knowledge in various ways.

Wow, OK, it will not let me publish the quiz without the second paragraph. *SIgh* I really hope I can type one hundred and fifty characters of myself complaining. Hey, I did it!

Created by: zeldacrafter0111
  1. All right, let's begin, quiz taker. What are dragons most known for?
  2. Is there a dragon type for each element?
  3. Are dragons considered reptiles?
  4. What is the most common type of dragon?
  5. How many limbs do dragons have?
  6. Where do dragons live?
  7. True or False. All dragons have a breath weapon.
  8. Do all dragons have wings?
  9. Do most dragons live in volcanoes?
  10. In which of the following do dragons appear?
  11. Same question again, in which of the following do dragons appear?
  12. Do you think dragons like rock music? Yes, this will affect your score.

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about dragons?
