How much do YOU know about clean energies?

Climate change and global warming are already impacting our daily life. Fossil fuels will run out eventually and are creating political tension. Clean energies are the answer to these problems. How much do you know about them?

Do you know your energies? Solar, Water, Wind, Geothermatics, Nuclear Power and Fuel Cells will soon replace energies like coal, oil and natural gas. Are you an expert on the new technologies and their potential?

Created by: Clean energies
  1. What does "renewable energies" mean?
  2. Why is nuclear power a clean energy?
  3. Where are fossil fuels coming from?
  4. How is the energy demand developing?
  5. What is one of the impacts of climate change?
  6. What does Photovoltaic mean?
  7. How can YOU save energy?
  8. What is sustainable development?
  9. Which form of transport has no negative impact on the environment?
  10. When hydrogen is burnt, what is the by-product?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about clean energies?