How Much Do U Have In Common With Tails the Fox? (BEST FOX)

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Me/K: In this quiz, we will see how much you and the CUTEST fox ever, Tails have in common! Tails is an AWESOME fox who is VERY skilled! He is LOVED by all!

Me/K: Any words for the quiztakers, Tails? Tails: Um, I wasn't prepared but quiztakers, make sure to answer honestly for the best result. Make sure it's accurate. That's all, you may begin! Me/K: Yep, Tails is AMAZING!

Created by: Sonic Tails Lf
  1. Me/K: First off, are you VERY smart? (BE HONEST!)
  2. Me/K: Do you like the color yellow?
  3. Me/K: Do you have trouble with having confidence?
  4. Me/K: Have you ever been bullied?
  5. Me/K: Are you ever feeling something different, but act a different way with everyone else?
  6. Me/K: Do you have an interest in planes?
  7. Me/K: Do you think before you do something?
  8. Me/K: Have you ever been like a shadow, not many people know your there?
  9. Me/K: Opinion of Machines?
  10. Me/K: Do you work hard?
  11. Me/K: Are you willing to help others?
  12. Me/K: Who would you want as your BEST friend, Shadow or Sonic?
  13. Me/K: Do people underestimate you?
  14. Me/K: Imagine, there is this BIG scary monster, you have the power to defeat it, but your scared, you would...
  15. Me/K: Is your Birthday in Nov? (Tails Birthday is on Nov. 21, same month as me and my dad's birthday)
  16. Me/K: You ready for the results? (NO EFFECT)

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