How much can you keep your cool?

Everyday, everywhere theres always jerks who love to mess with with decent people. Eventually it gets annoying. A tolerant person forgives many things, but how exactly are you when it comes to tolerating.

Are you a teloerant person? Do you have the power and the strength to forgive the bad someone has done to you? Take the quiz and find out how much of a tolerant person you are!

Created by: OsamaBinLaden
  1. What do you do when someone makes fun of you?
  2. Someone bumps into you in the street you say:
  3. You come home from a long day of work and your girlfriend/boyfriend accidently drops a carton of eggs on your new car that you just washed.
  4. Your boss fires you for coming late by literally 5 seconds
  5. Someone punches you in the face
  6. Your teacher (lets just say u in school) gives you an F for smiling.
  7. You lose a game of call of duty
  8. You lose a game of call of duty
  9. Some fat girl trips you
  10. Someone embarrassess you in front of your crush by a nasty joke and shoves you.

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Quiz topic: How much can I keep my cool?