How much basketball potential do you have?

This quiz will give you an idea of how much potential you have to go where you want to go in your basketball career. Btw its just a quiz so don't go crazy.

Don't take this too seriously because it is not a quiz that determines your skill but you! And I need at least 150 letters so......................... There

Created by: Amadou of FMOIG (follow me on ig)
(your link here more info)
  1. How old are you?
  2. How often do you play
  3. Is basketball your favorite sport?
  4. When did you start playing basketball?
  5. What position are you?
  6. Where are you trying to go as a basketball player?
  7. Best skill?
  8. Whats your average grade at school?
  9. Where do you live
  10. You play on a team
  11. If you do, how much points do you average
  12. In the hood? (Dangerous arena) Ex: Rochester, Chicago hoods like polo g, Compton Etc
  13. Male or female
  14. Finally, you like the quiz? (no effect)

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Quiz topic: How much basketball potential do I have?
