How mexican can you be

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how mexican are you ? did you try it well i made this quiz so that many people can find out if they are mexican and how they like the mexican life

thank you but are you really a mexican test your mexican background and see what mexican and advice caan you recieve to be mexican de lo mejor for the best

Created by: Bertha Avalos
  1. what is your favorite mexican food?
  2. what is your favorite sport
  3. what part of mexico were you born in
  4. how many percent of mexican do you think you have
  5. who is mexican from family
  6. do you know of these people Vicente Fernandez La India Maria Candimflas Lucero
  7. Have you ever watch Cholo Adventures
  8. pick a word you think mexican parents say the most
  9. What are the Most common names used by mexicans
  10. Do you Celebrate Day of the dead known as El Dia De Los Muertos

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Quiz topic: How mexican can I be