how Leeston are you?

There are many judgemental fake b----es, but few true Leestoners. Leeston is, after all, quite extraordinary. What is a Leestoner? A Leestoner is someone who is whorey, pathetic and unable to see out of the tiny box they view the world through. They commonly live in the Ellesmere area, most commonly in Leeston. Though there are a few in Southbridge and Doyleston too.

Are YOU a Leestoner? Do you have the shallowness to qualify for that sickening title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: vickigem
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. have you ever hooked up with a friend's ex.
  2. have you ever gossiped to your friends about someone just because they looked different?
  3. do you go to ellesmere college?
  4. what do you think of Leeston?
  5. thats all the info that we need, however we have to have 12 questions just pick a number
  6. and now and animal
  7. and now an object
  8. now a month
  9. now an alcoholic beverage
  10. and lastly an item of clothing

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Quiz topic: How Leeston am I?