How kind and caring are you?

This is a quiz where you will hopefully find out if you are kind and caring.. I'm not sure if it's turned out good but yeah... Just give it a try and I hope you enjoy it.

Are you gonna be kind? Or mean? Take this quiz to find out, Please enjoy. I don't know what else to say but yeah, Hi, what's up, how are you, you doing good?

Created by: Pizzarocks
  1. What do people think of you?
  2. You are late for work and while you are running,you see a little boy on his own trying to cross the road, What do you do?
  3. You keep receiving junk mail, what do you do?
  4. Just say you are a mother/father. Your child comes home with a hurt bird. What do you do?
  5. It is your friends birthday and they have invited you to a restaurant where they will pay. Do you...?
  6. You become a millionaire,do you give money to charity?
  7. You find a purse on the street, it has millions of pounds in it, it has a name and adress in it, what do you do?
  8. Look at question six, answer it the other way round. You are the child and your mother/father refuses to let you keep the hurt bird, what do you do?
  9. You see someone being bullied by a gang of teenagers, what do you do?
  10. And, last of all, Have you ever bullied anyone?

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Quiz topic: How kind and caring am I?