How Jewish are You?

Do you consider yourself a true Jew? Take this quiz to see if you really are as smart as you think! If you score high, you just may be the next Rebe! Score low, and you better hit the the shuls budy, suce you ain't a good Jew.

Are you part of the Jew Crew! Take this test to see if you qualify as a real Jew, or are you just a lame poser. If you score high, you just may be the next Rebe! Score low, and you better hit the the shuls budy, suce you ain't a good Jew.

Created by: Ori
  1. What would you wear to Temple?
  2. What's the Jewishest name?
  3. Who are our Forefathers
  4. What does Shalom mean?
  5. What sect of Judaism is the least religious?
  6. Shabbat is...
  7. A Shmuck is a...
  8. God is...
  9. What is the holiest book called?
  10. Moses recieved the Ten Commandments on...

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Quiz topic: How Jewish am I?