how impatient are you?

hiiii! yes, i decided to make a few personality quizzes. like, actual PERSONALITY quizzes, not just any quiz that doesnt have wrong options lol. like, a quiz that tests your personality. well, now its time for me to make a descriptive but somewhat awkward paragraph that half of u wont even read lol! :3

this quiz is to see how impatient you are. are you the kind of person who rushes through life, sometimes not thinking things through? or are you a mellow and relaxed person who can sometimes be kinda lazy?

Created by: cutebunny-quizflower
  1. imagine a big dog is chasing someone. what do you do?
  2. would you every play the lottery?
  3. how often do you just like to sit back and relax?
  4. if you saw someone beeing attacked, you would....
  5. do you have low standards for what counts as a friend?
  6. you hear a scream from an alley.
  7. do you meditate?
  8. if you were in a fight, you would....
  9. do you like the beach?
  10. do you like parties?
  11. do you do or say crazy things?
  12. how is life?
  13. what is your favorite color?
  14. what do you like to do?
  15. if your friend asked you out, you would....
  16. you find yourself lost, what do you do?
  17. you like someone based on....
  18. what i your favorite class in school?
  19. if you were to go to a party, it would be:
  20. a stranger walks over and asks for a ride, you....
  21. imagine you won the lottery. what do you do?
  22. which is closer to how long do you spend in bed? doesnt matter if you are asleep or not
  23. if a friend online asked where you lived, you would....
  24. if your house burned down with you in it, you would....
  25. what time do you usually wake up if you dont have school or work?
  26. what are weekends like for you?
  27. are you lazy?
  28. what is your room like?
  29. what is your perfect day?
  30. do you get angry easily?
  31. imagine you are in line at the store, and the person in front of you has a ton of things in their cart.
  32. do you have alot of friends?
  33. are you organized?
  34. your friend changes plans at the last minute.
  35. are you confident?
  36. your friend takes you to a chinese resteraunt, but you would rather go to a different resteraunt.
  37. imagine you and your friend both try out for the dance team.
  38. you dont have a karen haircut, right?
  39. what would you do on a friday night?
  40. if you saw someone steal something, you would....
  41. have you ever been camping?
  42. and finally..... was this quiz too long for you? (this is not to give feedback, this affects your result)

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Quiz topic: How impatient am I?
