How happy does this quiz think you are?

This quiz is about how happy you are. Yes that is right it is about how happy you you you are so yea take it and see how happy you are. I need to fill more space

You also need to see how happy you are again take this quiz and I need to fill more space so like this is just filler text btw so stop reading here heh.

Created by: Unnamed
  1. Are you in a relationship
  2. Are you happy with relationship?
  3. Do you feel stressed or anxious often
  4. Do you consider yourself happy?
  5. Do you feel pressure from external sources?
  6. Do you feel pressure from internal sources?
  7. Did you know you are loved?
  8. Try to hold a smile for 15 seconds. How'd it go?
  9. Do you have free time?
  10. Is there anyone you truly hate?
  11. When was the last time you were proud of something you did?

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