How Good of a Girlfriend are You?

This quiz is to access your ability to be a true loving girlfriend. By determining through scientific questions that have been studied of just how capable you are of taking care of your man.

Are you the best girlfriend in the world or just another woman wanting a man to do everything? this quiz will determine who you are and how good you are to your man.

Created by: Sam Weston
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like to cuddle in your man's arms?
  2. Your boyfriend wants to go out with his friends and leave you with the kids do you?
  3. Your love for your boyfriend is comparable to a
  4. What do you do more often
  5. Does your boyfriend
  6. Do you often wonder what life would be like without your boyfriend
  7. Have you ever thought about breaking up with your boyfriend?
  8. Do you sit around thinking how to make your boyfriend happier
  9. How often do you compliment your boyfriend
  10. What you be most willing to do for you boyfriend?

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Quiz topic: How Good of a Girlfriend am I?