How good are you at math ( math test )

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Btw this is more of a test of how many questions you can get right, and also it would be great if yall didnt use a calculator, thanks broski becuause,

Because i needed to figure the answers out in my head making it unfair and inacurate if yall use calculators note: questions 4 to 9 are going to be quite difficult even for an adult so dont worry peps

Created by: EternalChill
  1. Easy one to start, 5a=100, what is a?
  2. 5a+6b=22, a+b=...?
  3. 7, 49, 343, what should come next??
  4. What number is this value: 10^12
  5. Continuation of last question: 10^12÷5=...?
  6. Part 3 of question 4: what is 50% of 10^12÷5?
  7. 10^6×10^9=..?
  8. What is the prefix of 1e21?
  9. Which signifies the mass of earth
  10. Okay thats all what is 1×1

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Quiz topic: How good am I at math ( math test )

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