How Girlz4now are the

Ok I need to type ok byeeee gv ghv. Tfgf. Ftcfvfv yf gg ggu ugf jvg. Hpfduipv is snvunfuivnvowiunfoiiwonvuuoffueiiievnowoeiownvheifownvihefnwvnjrejfebgvriwog. H frog j. Grow jvhf j oqdg. Vfjg. Grow. Jhirgwfnrijforioufnrfugrgfioreqgfijerqninfiojnjnkondfrfjinvjeirvoqnveriejvrniejvejinjjnvfeijo

CFC zeaqwaxdv qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp qwertyuioasdfghjklzxcvbnm,. I will have qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm do not say it ok dun

Created by: Cyffyctfjcutfcct
  1. Are you a girl or a boy
  2. Are you an adult
  3. How often do you talk about poop or farting
  4. Have you ever had a cat
  5. Does your first name start with J L or M
  6. Does your first name start with C
  7. Do you make up songs
  8. Do you say nonsen
  9. Are you ready for the next question or the last
  10. How did you like the wuiz

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