How gangsta are you??

This is a quiz to determine if yous a gansta or only a poser. It determines if you deserve to hustle or if you should be studyin for you next quiz it will be fun i hope latez

Are you a true g or just a pussy? well by taking this quiz youll find out. Were you meant to run the streets or run from them? Lets find out shall we this should answer yo qwestionas latez

Created by: Daniel

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever been in a fight?
  2. HAve you ever been to a party?
  3. HAve you ever been shot at?
  4. HAve you ever been arrested?
  5. Have you ever been jumped?
  6. Have you ever gone jacking?
  7. Where are you from?
  8. How was this quiz?
  9. How many friends are on your myspace???
  10. What music do you listen to?

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Quiz topic: How gangsta am I??