How Full of Bull S--- Are You?

Our world is full of BS - sad but true. So what qualifies as BS? Immaturity, middle school drama when you're 20, juvenile behavior and lack of social tact.

There is a ton of BS out there, that much we know, but how much are you contributing yourself? Are you the mature leader, or the juvenile delinquent? Take this quiz to find out!

Created by: 103187
  1. You are waiting in line at the store. You're about 5th in line and have been waiting for a LONG time. The little old woman in front of you finally goes to pay - but she does so in change. How to you react?
  2. You at dinner with your friends at a family restaurant. You're friends would say you are most likely to make what etiquette mistake while out dinning?
  3. You're in the school play. As of late there have been some rumors going around about the lead actor cheating on his girlfriend with his co-star. What do you do?
  4. "You're hanging out with your friends on movie night and there's discussion on what movie to watch. Your friend suggests the movie they just rented today, but you don't want to see it. What do you do?"
  5. You've been really stressed lately, how can your friends tell?
  6. Your pal has a new BF or GF and you are jealous of the fact they no longer spend as much time with you anymore. What do you do?
  7. You made plans with your BFF a couple weeks ago. Since then you met "someone special" and planned to go out with them the same day you made plans with your friend. What do you do?
  8. You're friends would describe you as juvenile, immature, and/or loud and rude.
  9. Your friend was recently dumped. How do you help them with the situation?
  10. You're age 19-21, what age group do you usually hang out with?

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Quiz topic: How Full of Bull S--- am I?