How evil are you?

Want to know how evil you are? Take this quiz! This is a joke. If you get 100% evil you could have just clicked “potato” every time. Again, this is a joke do not take this seriously.

If you want to kill everyone then your answer will be obvious. :) juuucjnvjgjgnfnvjgjfnnvjgjrjcnbjrjjvjvjumjmvjgijbgjijjgbj ignju gim- jugnj Nguni jgniubjgnujbgnmui muim hnjju9bymnu9mu 96 yum nkhi9 min mi9e (those were just filler)

Created by: Gygyg
  1. How much do you care for life and do you enjoy the pain of others?
  2. If you were to attack someone, why and who would it be?
  3. What is your favorite color?
  4. What crime would you make legal if possible?
  5. How much do you find yourself manipulating others?
  6. Kill?
  7. If someone were to punch you or you close friends and family, what would you do?
  8. Last one. Have you been in a jail or prison cell (minus work reasons)
  9. Just kidding! What will you do to me?
  10. This is just a random thing, what fruit?

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Quiz topic: How evil am I?
