How Evil are you?

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Hello! Welcome to the ‘Am I evil?’ quiz. This will tell you how evil you are. These answers don’t have guaranteed accuracy by the way, they’ll just give you an idea!

This 16 question quiz is a fun thing to do in your free time! I hope you enjoy doing it just as much as I did making it! Have fun! -StarlightQuizzes :D

Created by: StarlightQuizzes
  1. Hello!
  2. Ok, let’s get started: You see a little girl on the street, you think she’s about five. She looks frightened and you can’t see her parents. What do you do?
  3. You see a t-shirt in a shop that really, really, really love; but you can’t afford it. What do you do?
  4. You get into an argument with one of your friends. Even though you know it’ll blow over, you still feel really angry. What do you do?
  5. How do you feel about puppies?
  6. What kind of foods do you eat? (Out of these options)
  7. A child falls off his bicycle and it looks like he sprained his ankle. What do you do?
  8. You had to work late, and now you’re walking home. The time is 10:00pm. You see the door to your favourite shop is left open, but other than that the street is completely deserted. What do you do?
  9. You accidentally trip and bump into a little kid, who drops their ice cream cone. She bursts into tears. What do you do?
  10. If you could be given one of the following powers, which would you choose?
  11. Now - the ‘good/bad’ questions! First up - Kittens!
  12. Teddy bears!
  13. The devil!
  14. Obeying the rules
  15. Friends!
  16. Ok, that’s it! Bye!

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Quiz topic: How Evil am I?
