how emo are you

do people call you an emo? do you have low self-esteem? find out just how emo you are with this quiz made by a true anti-depressed emo..... i am just filling in space...please ignore this sentance

do people call you an emo? do you have low self-esteem? find out just how emo you are with this quiz made by a true anti-depressed emo..... i am just filling in space...please ignore this sentance

Created by: dillan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. when youre alone you?
  2. your favourite band is?
  3. have you ever worn "emo" or "skinny" jeans
  4. your self-confidence level...on a scale of -6 to 6, (6 being the highest) is?
  5. you can name __ songs that contain phrases like "i cut myself" "blood stains" "my life is a black abyss" etc.
  6. have you ever died your hair black?
  7. music is
  8. afi are
  9. your myspace / bebo has___in it
  10. your favourite song contains the word

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Quiz topic: How emo am I