how do you feel today

How are you today? it's okay if you don't feel amazing or have a hard time. But you deserve the best! Do this test just to make time go by. you are amazing!

I LOVE YOU<3 with whole my heart! you are gorgeous and really hot! I love your stile! your hair looks amazing!!!!!! no really i'm sirious your amazing!

Created by: Lien
  1. how do you feel today?
  2. did you eat today?
  3. what do you give your look today?
  4. did you came out of bed today?
  5. did you do something that makes you happy?
  6. did you got fresh air?
  7. how are your grades
  8. how long did you sleep?
  9. when was the lat time you cried
  10. how do you feel about yourself

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Quiz topic: How do I feel today
