How do you feel inside?

Are you mysterious??? Do you put on an act? ..Are you a fake? Take this quiz to find out your mysterious hidden feelings! ..the side that people dont see!

Take this quiz to find out your mysterious hidden feelings! ..the side that people dont see! Take this quiz to find out your mysterious hidden feelings! ..the side that people dont see!

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do your friends often annoy you or tease you?
  2. Do you have family probelms
  3. Does everyone hate you?
  4. Your very popular and have a lot of friends?
  5. Do you often get bored
  6. Do you do A lot of clubs and meet lots of new people??
  7. You Want revenge!!
  8. Has a friend died recently?
  9. Are you jealous of someone?
  10. Do you go out with your friends alot?

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Quiz topic: How do I feel inside?