How devious are you?

Many people are devious, some for good some for evil. Deviousness can be useful at times and hurtful at others. Deviousness isn't always as bad as the word sounds. Sometimes it can be quite innocent.

Are you devious? Do you use people to get what you want? Do you manipulate people to your bidding? Do you care about others feelings and life? Take the test and find out how far your willing to go.

Created by: Rachelle
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You don't want to go to work today....just because. You call work and say.....
  2. You friend calls you, you know they want to come over, you're not in the mood. You....
  3. Your jealous of your bf's/gf's best female/male friend. They're getting together for lunch you....
  4. Do you have to think over your answers before giving them to someone?
  5. In the back of your important is you getting what you want?
  6. You don't trust your bf/gf with your friend. You...
  7. Would you do whatever you had to , to get your way?
  8. If you had a friend who you were intimate at one time and you still felt for them but they have a gf/bf but you just want to see if you still could have them. Would you...
  9. Would you set someone up for a fall if it furthered what you wanted?
  10. When you were a kid and you got caught doing something wrong did you blame your friend eventhough they did nothing?

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Quiz topic: How devious am I?