How cutecore are you?

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This is a funky lil test to see how "cutecore" you are! No, this is not whitewashed "kawaiicore"... It's just the aesthetic of being cute (pastels, cartoons, stuff like that.) I hope you enjoy this quiz! Reminder that I do not define how cute you are, so don't take this too seriously!

Random letters to meet requirement hefheorhoehrgoeghohhvipevehherhvpreuhviuhuihruihreiufhrfhirhfrehfherfheirhfiqehrfherfhierhfiherfhiehvehoghgerhgpjerivjfoi

Created by: [DELETED]
  1. Helloooo!!
  2. Favorite emoji?
  3. Favorite colors?
  4. Favorite food/drink?
  5. Do you like sanrio?
  6. Pick an outfit!
  7. How do you type in text/for fun?
  8. favorite animal?
  9. pick one you like the most
  10. favorite sanrio character?
  11. which of the following apps/websites do you use the most?
  12. Pick one randomly (unscramble--fill out comment with unscrambled version)
  13. Hehe
  14. why you taking the quiz?
  15. mkay ty bye bye!

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Quiz topic: How cutecore am I?

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