How cute are you?

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Hewo quiztakers, this is my first quiz and I hope you enjoy it. Btw my name is Ella and it took really look to make this so please recommend it to the

This quiz is about how cute you are.Are you super dense are really into anime, let’s find out. I personally really like anime and would watch it everyday.

Created by: Ella
  1. Are you shy at parties?
  2. Do you like anime?
  3. Do you blush around your crush?(haha that ryhmed)
  4. Are you nice to people?
  5. Lastly, what's your dere type?
  6. Do you like pusheen?
  7. Do you like puppies and kittens(baby animals)?
  8. Unicorns
  9. Are you a girl or a boy(doesn’t effect answer)
  10. Did you like this quiz(doesn’t effect answer)

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Quiz topic: How cute am I?
