How Crazy Are You?

Alot of people say that they are insane, but can u compete with the great stupid people of our world? Like Evel Knievel, you will start somewhere you need to try to get your crazieness rep up! Heck Yes!

So, are you as crazy as you think? You will see out of 5 different possibilities what you really are. This can help you find your inner insanity! Now in just a few minutes you will have your answer thanks for answering!

Created by: Robbie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like to run around in circles or jump around by yourself for fun?
  2. What is my favorite thing to do in my spare time?
  3. How many cans of soda or cans of energy drinks do you drink every day?
  4. Do you watch anime or star trek or anything with crazy bald headed people?
  5. What stunt would you be willing to do if your life depended on it?
  6. Would you rather..........
  7. What would you do if your house caught on fire?
  8. Whats your favorite animal??!?!?!?!?
  9. Who are you voting for in this upcoming prsidential race? lol
  10. What is your birthstone?

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Quiz topic: How Crazy am I?