how country are you?

wanna find out if you are country? then don't look any further because this is the quiz youve been looking for well come on try it cause it wont hurt to do so

this quiz is the opportunity for you to find out if you are country or if youre just not. well don't waste your time trying to find a better quiz cause you aint gonna find one.

Created by: mrianino
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you know who luke bryan ,Miranda lambert and hunter hayes are if so do you listen to them?
  2. would you rather own .........
  3. would you rather own....
  4. if a redneck comes up to you and starts talking all country to you what would you do?
  5. would you rather...
  6. where were you born
  7. do you like this quiz so far(this will not affect your answer)
  8. do you think you are country
  9. do you enjoy the country smell
  10. will you comment?

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Quiz topic: How country am I?