How cool are you?

This is a quiz to see how cool you are. You will get a percentage result. The higher your percent is the cooler you are. So stay cool, and stay in school!

Answer each question truthfully and nicely. Do not scream at your computer as that will lower your coolness. But do, please take this quiz. So, stay cool, and stay in school!

Created by: Cool BEANS.
  1. How do you feel about the lgbtq+ community?
  2. What social media do you have?
  3. How old are you?
  4. Do you have a tattoo?
  5. How many friends do you have?
  6. Have you ever kissed or went on a date with someone of your own gender?
  7. Where do you live?
  8. What is your sexuality?
  9. Do you have a lava lamp?
  10. What pet do you have?

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Quiz topic: How cool am I?
