How Confident Are You?

There are many confident people, but few true ones. Real confidence is quite exceptional. What is a confident person? A confident person is someone who has an extraordinarily bold personality, is able to talk to anyone new or unfamiliar, and see the world through an entirely happy point of view.

Are YOU an over confident wierdo or a social nightmare? Do you have the confidence to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But this quiz will have the answer!

Created by: Izsie
  1. If there were auditions for a lead role in a play would you...
  2. When someone new enters the room do you...
  3. In your group of friends are you a...
  4. What do you want to be when you are older?
  5. Which of these is your best pass time...
  6. Do you like school?
  7. Which of these clubs do you or might you do... (If you do more then one pick your fav)
  8. Do you ever go clubbing/partying...
  9. What's your fav colour...
  10. Do you like being spoilt...

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Quiz topic: How Confident am I?