How Childish Are You?

This quiz is only going to somewhat politely tell you if your a immature or if you maybe a bit too mature. Somewhere in between their is the perfect score, this maybe hard to achieve though.

Are you childish? Do you think you're better than everyone? Find out for yourself on how nearly everyone sees you and your maturity level. Thanks to me you'll find out exactly what the majority of your peers think of you.

Created by: Kali Savage
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favorite Disney movie?
  2. Who is Barbie's child?
  3. What is a Furbie.
  4. What's your favorite store.
  5. Do you care what people think?
  6. Did Barbie and Ken Break up?
  7. Does this make sense to you, Jaffar wanted to take over all of Agraba but Prince Ali Babwa who is really Aladdin fell in love with Jasmine which made him king and he took the spot of the salton who is Jasmines father but Jaffar wanted to marry jasmine onl?
  8. Do you wish you could be younger?
  9. Do you like you life?
  10. Do you like kids?
  11. Who is Bach?
  12. Just to make this quiz ordinary, what's your favorite color?

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Quiz topic: How Childish am I?