How Canucklehead are you?

Are you a true Canuck or a WTF? See how Canadian you truly are by weighing in against the master over at - do YOU have what it takes hoser?

Howz it goin', eh? Do you have what it takes to be considered a Canucklehead? Until now you could only wonder, eh? But thanks to this Canucklehead quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Canucklehead
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are you drinking right now?
  2. What were the McKenzie brothers first names?
  3. What was the name of the cafe in the Beachcombers?
  4. What is your ideal meal?
  5. Who is the greatest hockey player of all time?
  6. Which of the following celebrities are not Canadian?
  7. What are Canada's two national sports?
  8. Canada has two national symbols. What are they?
  9. Which of the following musical acts is not Canadian?
  10. Almost there. What do you think of the quiz so far?
  11. If I tell you I am going to Timmy's for a double-double, where am I going?
  12. Who made "For all you kids out there..." famous?
  13. Vancouver author Douglas Coupland is credited with coining what familiar phrase?
  14. What does the word Canada mean?
  15. Why are you taking this quiz?
  16. What are language police?
  17. What is the capital of Canada?
  18. What is your favourite website?
  19. What is Canadian Joe Shuster credited with co-creating?
  20. What percentage of Canadians with internet access at work say they use it for personal reasons?
  21. What would rather be doing right now?
  22. How is American beer like sex in a canoe?
  23. Finally, how do you hope the quiz went?

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Quiz topic: How Canucklehead am I?