How can I get my ears pierced

Prepare to get your mind blown by your test results when you find out if you can pierce your ears or not and be sure to follow my social networking sites as said in the results

Take this quiz if you are fearless, a coward, or a genius.This personality quiz depends on you, so pick wisely and also I am speaking like this because I really want someone to take this quiz.

Created by: CookieClicker
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You need to pierce your ears for the school dance. What do you do?
  2. You pierce your ears which item do you pick?
  3. You Were walking along to a nearby piercing shop but suddenly you saw your crush/boyfriend/girfriend and ran in there what do say/do next?
  4. wanna cookie?
  5. Now You Pierced your ears with a
  6. The Dance starts at 7:00 and its in 17 minutes! What do you do?
  7. Did you like this quiz
  8. Wait 4 part two k?
  9. :)
  10. BAI GUYS!

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