How Boring Are You?

With only two teams remaining, the host takes the remaining contestants to London, England, where their goal is to capture a criminal before he catches you. In the end, two criminals are caught, bringing one of them back into the competition, joining a team, and giving his captors the victory instead. As consequence, one person ends up eliminat

The episode opens with the contestants all sitting in economy class, because Chris McLean and Chef Hatchet said they needed the winner's section of the plane for planning for the next challenge. Meanwhile, the contestants are conversing with each other about various things. Gwen and Courtney are bonding, despite their former dislike for one another when Courtney helps Gwen with her sunburned hand. Sierra is yet again on her pizza box laptop "updating Tweeter", while Noah mocks her, making Owen laugh. Owen and Noah's antics begin to irritate Alejandro. Alejandro then goes off by himself to walk around the plane, and overhears the conversation in economy class. Chris and Chef have found someone to "take out" the contestants, much to Alejandro's worry. He is accidentally seen and is taken by the unknown killer.

Created by: Trey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What Time do you go to bed on weekdays?
  2. What time do you go to bed on weekends?
  3. On Friday night you are....
  4. Do you like math?
  5. Why do you like classical music?
  6. Do you like dramas?
  7. Do you like horror movies?
  8. If you're a girl, what would closely describe you?
  9. If you're a boy....
  10. You're friends think you are a/an

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Quiz topic: How Boring am I?