How Blonde are you?

Are you a blonde? If you are you get away with more things like if you say 2+2=5 you can say" woops sorry im blonde..we do things like that" but dont get to carried with what you say!

You want people to stop calling you a dumb blonde? Well take this quiz and see if they are right for calling u dumd..mwaaa! after all no one likes to be called dumb or stupid or BLONDE! everybody hates it i mean seriously y cant ppl make fun of redheads or brown haired ppl?!

Created by: Julia
  1. A famer has 20 sheep and all but 6 get swine many sheep don't have swine flu?
  2. How many days are in a school week not counting weekends?
  3. A mom has 3 babies and 2 many puppies are left? ( be careful)
  4. Do you think these questions are stupid?
  5. Are gold and yellow the same color?
  6. what is your hair color?
  7. Do you like being blonde?
  8. Do alot of guys ask you out because of your hair color?
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. do you think your blonde?

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Quiz topic: How Blonde am I?