How blond are you?

There are a lot of stupid people but only blonds fit the cut for beyond the most stupid ever. I did make the quiz and I am a blond. We are just special!

TAKE QUIZ you know you want to ...

Created by: Cinnamongal
  1. How often do you have stupid moments (aka blond moments)
  2. Are you a natural blond?
  3. Do you have common sense?
  4. Are you gifted?
  5. Are you flirty (even when you don't mean to be)
  6. Are you kind of random at times?
  7. Do you have a lot of crushes
  8. Are you exited for this to be over?
  9. Do you like music
  10. Do you like to dance and/or sing

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Quiz topic: How blond am I?