How big is YOUR belly???

Hi, have you ever wondered how big your belly was? You can find out here! Try my first ever quiz to find out now! Do you have an enormous belly? Just a big one? A chubby one? A normal size? Small? Or miniscule?

Just so you know, I don't want anyone to feel bad about their weight or their belly size. Just love who you are, and remember this quiz is just for fun.

Created by: Phoebeep
  1. How old are you?
  2. What gender are you?
  3. Sit cross legged on the floor. How many belly rolls do you have ?
  4. Stay cross legged on the floor, but this time lean forward. How many belly rolls now?
  5. Stand up. How many belly rolls now?
  6. Lay on your back. How many belly rolls now?
  7. How big is your biggest belly roll?
  8. Stand with your back straight and look towards the floor. What do you see?
  9. Poke your belly fat. How far does your finger go in?
  10. How deep is your belly button?
  11. Do you think you have a big belly?
  12. Did you enjoy the quiz

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Quiz topic: How big is my belly???

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