How beautiful are you

There are 2 kinds of beauty ,inner beauty and outer beauty find out in this quiz whether you have inner or outer of both in just the press of a button

Don't be upset if you didn't get the score you wanted but at least you all know that nobody is perfect and that is what makes all of us unique in our own special way

Created by: Lauren
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Don't hate me but what if your fav colour
  2. What do you do in your spare time
  3. Do you have a boy/girlfriend
  4. How beautiful do you think you are?
  5. If your bff was getting pick on what would you do
  6. How many siblings do you have
  7. Would you die for your family
  8. Do you like snow
  9. Will you comment
  10. Do you like it

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Quiz topic: How beautiful am I