How awful is your life?

Hi, I am :-). While doing this quiz, and when you get your results, please remember that this is just for a bit of fun during lockdown. I hope you like it.

Also, I have made some other quizzes, such as "How evil are you" and "Could you become a secret agent". Keep an eye out for them. My brother, (-_-), has also made a few quizzes, including "Which Egyptian God are you".

Created by: :-)
  1. How well do you get on with your parents?
  2. How well do you get on with your siblings?
  3. Do you have any pets?
  4. How many friends do you have?
  5. How awful do you think your life is?
  6. Are you bullied?
  7. Have you ever broken the law?
  8. Do you wish you were a different person?
  9. Do you get presents?
  10. Did you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: How awful is my life?
