How alike are you to Rin, my OC

HELLO! You've probably came here from my Instagram, if you didn't then hello :D Come find out if your Rin's long lost twin or not. This will probably be a guessing game for most of you lol

IiiioddskdkskkdkdkdkjajskohhdihwhishdihhsigsigvsjvjsvjsvjsvjsvjvvvsjvjsvjsdgigsivjagjavajvsjvsjvashishgusgidgdgigdigvjsvjsvjasvjdvjdvjdIDK WHT TO PUT HERE LOL

Created by: Nunya business
  1. Choose which one you like best!
  2. Favorite color?
  3. Hair color?
  4. Short, Average, Tall?
  5. unus or annus
  6. Yandere, Tsundere, Deredere, Kuundere
  7. What word describes you best?
  8. I'm gonna be as blunt as possible lol, Do you like guys?
  9. Eye color?
  10. Do you think you and Rin are similar? (Btw: There is no right or wrong answer for this question.)
  11. Who should I do next?
  12. Sweet or Spicy
  13. Do you believe in ghosts?
  14. Are you the oldest, youngest, or middle child in your family?
  15. Want mini people that were spawns of Satan?
  16. Do you get angry/annoyed easily?
  17. Does it take awhile for you to open up?
  18. What kind of humor do you have?

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Quiz topic: How alike am I to Rin, my OC

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