How addicted to sweets are you?

There are people who love sweets and those who enjoy it moderately, so where do you fit in? Do you love sweets? Hate sweets? Or are you completely obsessed? lets find out!

So what do you think you are going to get? We don't know! Take the quiz if ya wanna see how obsessed with sugar you are! But no pressure on you! Take the quiz if you want!

Created by: Carri04

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What's your usual dessert craving?
  2. Favourite Fruit?
  3. Pick one
  4. Coming to my party?
  5. How much candy do you eat in one day
  6. Would you choose candy over your BFF?
  7. You're in a burning building, and you can save one thing/person, what would you save: the candy, your mother, or a $1000 gift card for healthy snacks?
  8. Pick some lyrics (Made some up, some I found somewhere and yes they are supposed to suck)
  9. On Halloween night while trick or treating, you come across a house with a bowl filled with candy with a sign that says "Take one", how many do you take?
  10. Done the quiz! Click to see your results!

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Quiz topic: How addicted to sweets am I?