How ADD are you?

Do you pay attention in class? Or do you stare out the window and make paper airplanes to throw at the teacher, how has a really small nose and huge ears?

Do people tell you to stop being such a spazz? do your parents constantly ground you? maybe it's not all your fault maybe you have ADD and if you took drugs you would be normal

Created by: 363636
  1. How often are you late to class?
  2. How often do you do you homework?
  3. How often do you get in trouble?
  4. What do you do when someone makes you mad?
  5. What are you grades
  6. you find a lighter what do you do?
  7. If someone offers you weed you?
  8. you are driving on an empty highway the speed limit is 60 how fast are you driving?
  9. Have you ever broken a bone?
  10. Did you take this in one sitting?

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Quiz topic: How ADD am I?