Can you beat me at rock, paper, scissors?

Can you beat me at rock paper scissors? Do you dare to even enter this boring quiz that was made to entertain me for about ten minutes? We shall see!

Could you best me? Will there be really weird phrases at the end of this quiz that will make you leave this quiz/leave the room/leave the room screaming/throw this screen out the window/break this screen with a baseball bat? The answer is yes!

Created by: Random101
  1. First move?
  2. Which move do you do most often?
  3. Which move do you think I do most often?
  4. Do you cheat/look at what they did before you choose your thing? (Be truthful!
  5. Do you distract the other player so they won't see you cheating?
  6. Do you think I would cheat? (If you get this wrong, this website will crash)
  7. Is back-to-back better then facing each other?
  8. Would you actually want to do it with me?
  9. What do you think you'll get?
  10. And... that's a wrap!

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Quiz topic: Can I beat me at rock, paper, scissors?