Hey everyone!!!

Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi my names Graham and idk why it corrected to Abraham but whatever. Bryan invited me here. Idk why cause I’m gonna steal all the attention cause y’all are gonna like me more.

Bryan’s gonna be jealous haha. Life goals, am I right? Anyways enjoy the quiz results don’t matter and let me get a profile picture pls and thanks. Byeeee

Created by: cHiLL GrAhaM
  1. I’m Graham
  2. I play the same sports as Bryan, mostly. Except I’m obviously better
  3. We’ve been good buddies for a long time
  4. We look really different though.
  5. I have blonde hair and blue eyes while Bryan’s stuck with brown hair haha
  6. I guess I’m kind of exited to be here 🤷🏼
  7. I’m also cooler than Bryan
  8. And I’m smarter too
  9. And I’m handsomerr
  10. I’m also just better overall

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