Heartless or nobody

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there are many nobodys in this world and there are many heartless in the world a before this quiz can how would you know what you are? but now you can know

Are YOU a nobody? Are YOU a heartless? now do you have what it takes to be a nobody or a heartless are you afraid of the darkness in a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Soldier
  1. Hello
  2. is your group good or evil?
  3. Heart or soul
  4. Pick one!
  5. Favorite snack?
  6. favorite kingdom hearts game?
  7. Ledder or follower
  8. favorite holiday?
  9. lets say its time to wake up for school what do you do?
  10. do you love your Family?
  11. what is your eye color?
  12. do you think heartless are cool?
  13. do people sometimes call you a killjoy?
  14. Are you sad?
  15. witch one of these heartless names is really a heartless names
  16. What is a real nobody name
  17. pick a face
  18. This quiz is over Bye

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