Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix quiz

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In this quiz, you can easily test your knowledge of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by answering ten simple questions. Think you know enough to beat me? Well then, be my guest…

Side note: if there are any errors or serious defections in my quiz, please comment and let me know. I’ll always check the comments, and now, remember this: have fun!

  1. We’re going to start by an easy one, but the rest is harder! Who is NOT a member of the Order of the Phoenix?
  2. Who is the Defence Against the Dark Arts Teacher in this book?
  3. Who dies in the Order of the Phoenix? (This one is a piece of cake!)
  4. Is the very annoying reporter Rita Skeeter in this book?
  5. Is the very cute dancer Millie Williams in this book?
  6. What is the Order of the Phoenix’s secret headquarters?
  7. In Slytherin, who do you think became a Prefect?
  8. How does Hermione describe Pansy Parkinson, the Slytherin girl?
  9. When Ron and Hermione became Prefects, what sign did Mrs Weasley make?
  10. And finally, what did Sirius Black call Severus Snape?

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