Hardest Twilight Quiz about Bella

This is the hardest quiz about Bella Swan from the book twilight you will ever take. Can you pass it? or will you fail it? ...........................

watching the movies will get you nowhere, reading it will get you somewhere but only a Twilighter will be able to get 15/15. test your knowledge in my quiz and see how well you do!

Created by: Lily
  1. What color where Bella's eyes?
  2. What is Bella's middle name?
  3. how old is bella is the first book?
  4. where does Bella work?
  5. what is Bella's mother's last name?
  6. What about Edward scares Bella the most
  7. Bella's blood type?
  8. What type of books does Bella like to read?
  9. When is Bella's birthday?
  10. what grade was Bella in when she came to Forks?
  11. Who tries to pick up Bella at her house for prom?
  12. Who finds bella in the woods in New Moon?
  13. what's significant about the scar on Bella's wrist
  14. What does Bella describe what blood smells like?
  15. what year was Bella's Chevrolet Pick-up truck from?

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