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This is a quiz about how much of a POKEMON GO expert you are. So please comment and rate keep playing pokemon go my name on it is rubydeathstar33. yay!

please like this quiz and comment your results! Please also give me feedback on what to do next quiz it will be harry potter themed for all potterheads!

Created by: Lost in thoughts
  1. Is hitmonchan a boy or girl
  2. how do you tell the difference between a boy picachu and a girl pikachu?
  3. What does eeve evolve into?
  4. what is blue teams pokemon?
  5. when do you get ultra balls?
  6. Is Arcanine a legendary pokemon?
  7. rate and comment
  8. how much legendary pokemon are there in POKEMON GO?
  9. did you like this quiz?
  10. bye

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