Greek Deities. Will you pass?

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Greek mythology is a vaguely known part of our history. Those who love it never get the chance to be challenged on it, so that’s why I came up with quiz.

If you think you know your Greek gods take this quiz and find out if you’re well experienced or need more practice in Greek mythology. Either way, don’t blame me if you don’t like your score.

Created by: Mialean
  1. Who is the god of the sea?
  2. Who was the youngest Olympian?
  3. Who is the first child of Kronos?
  4. Kronos is known for being the lord of what?
  5. The gods helped shape...
  6. Who is the Titan of water?
  7. What is the first primordial god?
  8. Who were the parents of the titans?
  9. Who is Hades’s wife?
  10. Who is the god of riches?

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Quiz topic: Greek Deities. will I pass?
