Golden State Warriors

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This is a quiz about testing your skills about knowing basketball team, warriors. I hope you take a good score and thank you for taking my testing. I WISH YOU GOOD LUCK!

Hey guys My brothers getting married soon and for an intro after the ceremony they had this fun idea to have intros to the same song the warriors get announced to at home games. Then one that's playing in the background (example: "out of north Carolina, number 40, Harrison BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNEES. They cool music they play everytime behind that) If anyone knows what it is could you please tell me, thank you

Created by: Roy Mao
  1. When was Warrior's star Curry born?
  2. How many times did warriors win the championships?
  3. when was curry injured?
  4. How long was Curry injured?
  5. Who is number 34 in the Warriors?
  6. Who scores the most points in the Warriors?
  7. In the 2015 playoffs, Steph Curry broke the record for most three-pointers in a single postseason. Whose record did he break?
  8. In May 2014, the Warriors appointed Steve Kerr as their new head coach. Prior to this, star point guard Stephen Curry was a starter in the 2014 NBA All-Star Game. Who had been the last Warriors player to achieve this?
  9. Who is Curry's brother?
  10. Which Warrior upped his scoring average from 10.9 ppg to 18.7 ppg in the 02'-03' season?

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